Take To The Skies: Dragons And Titans, A MOBA From WyrmByte



First things first, this review is going to assume a certain level of knowledge of the MOBA genre. I am intentionally not getting mired down with the minutia that is shared between practically every title in the category. If you are unfamiliar with these types of games, I would recommend reading up here, before proceeding further into this review.

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Digital Shadow: Watch Dog‘s Stunt Outs Shoddy Facebook Privacy Settings


I’ve certainly complained about Facebook in the past, and my feelings have largely remained the same.  It’s no secret that Facebook doesn’t seem to respect your privacy, and really wants to pry open and inspect all aspects of your life.  For the most part we seem to let them.  They roll out changes to their privacy settings, making you opt-out of updates that increasingly open up your data – if you can even find where to opt-out in their giant mess of settings.

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Kickstarter: Planets³, A Voxel-Based World Building Game


I was recently told about a Kickstarter campaign for Planets³, a game that was described to me as Minecraft/Terraria/Starbound mixed with deeper RPG elements inspired by games such as Mass Effect, Skyrim, and Zelda.  Having played all of those games for more hours than I can count, my interest was certainly piqued.

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Stephen Elop Takes The Reigns Of Microsoft’s Devices and Studios Division

photo courtesy of trustedreviews.com

Microsoft is experience some high level management shake ups this morning. First Julie Larson-Green has been moved to the position of Chief Experience Officer and now ex Nokia man Stephen Elop is taking the helm at the devices and studios division. This division includes Xbox and the Surface lineup. Larson-Green sent out a memo explaining the moves to her team (find that below). One things for certain, Microsoft’s new CEO Satya Nadella, seems to be working fast to restructure and place people where he feels they’ll be of best use. It remains to be seen if these choices are good or bad but at least there seems to be a battle plan. Not quiet sure what Elop has to offer in the gaming sector of Microsoft but I’m sure he has some good ideas for the Surface products. Elop has worked for Microsoft in the past as President of the Business division so he has insight and experience into Microsoft culture. What do you guys think of the upper management shake up at Microsoft? Let us know in the comments below! Read Larson-Green’s full memo after the break.

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