After the events of the Harbinger Wars 2 series, we pick up with X-O Manowar and Livewire repairing a satellite in space. The deaths caused by Livewire during the event number between 200 and maybe even up to 2,000 (mostly elderly and those in hospitals on life support which went down when she plunged the US into darkness by killing all of the power).
The reason she went to war was
I get the feeling that writer Matt Kindt either saw fan reaction to the Livewire vendetta and used this issue to speak on that or, if this was always planned, then bravo to Mr. Kindt for recognizing what the fans would be hollering about. The fanbase has been speculating (as I myself have) that there was no way to come back from this. The number of innocent people who died
Alas, with this issue, I can’t wait for the Livewire ongoing series to start in December. This issue caps off the Harbinger Wars 2 event (which I was critical of
Wrap Up
The art by Adam Pollina, colors by Diego Rodriguez, and letters from Dave Sharpe all complete and perfectly illustrate this wonderfully written wrap up to the Harbinger Wars 2 event. I’m definitely onboard for the Livewire series, so let the speculation begin as to how our Valiant Universe is going to help protect Livewire from the massing government forces that are out to bring her in. Also, how is that going to affect the standing of X-O and Ninjak should they disobey? Bring it on!!!
Harbinger Wars 2: Aftermath is on sale September 26th